Monday, October 4, 2010

JCaptcha - a image and audio captcha


1.      JSAPI – Java Lib to generate voice
2.      FreeTTS – Open source library for converting text to speech
3.      Jcaptcha – open source library for generating captcha image
4.      Spring – Open source framework integrated with captcha to make easy integration with existing application.


1.      Download from the site -
To know more about these libraries follow -

4.      Go to freetts-1.2\lib folder and run ‘’ for unix/solaris & ‘jsapi.exe’ file for windows to generate environment specific ‘jsapi.jar’ file required to generate voice.
5.      Add all jars available under \freetts-1.2\lib folder to domain classpath.

SET SPEECH_SYNTHESIS_HOME=F:/bea/JSAPI_LIB/jsapi.jar;F:/bea/JSAPI_LIB/freetts.jar;


6.      Copy the file from freetts-1.2 to F:\bea\jdk150_04\jre\lib
7.      For sample code for Jcaptcha with sound go to –


Casey's advices

  • render the characters with different colors
  • make some characters darker than the background, and some lighter
  • use gradient colors for the backgrounds and the characters
  • dont align all the characters vertically
  • dont make the answers words, so that a dictionary could be used
  • use more characters and symbols
  • use uppercase and lowercase characters
  • use a different number of characters each time
  • rotate some of the characters more drastically (i.e. upside down)
  • do more overlapping of characters
  • make some pixels of a single character not touching
  • have grid lines that cross over the characters with their same color
  • consider asking natural language questions